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Play-along practice tracks

This project arose from contributing some editions to IMSLP transcribed from facsimile into clear modern notation. I wanted a means to practice the dulcian part of some sonatas I had transcribed, along with the other parts. So I created mp3's with the part I wanted to play missing. Having done that it was a logical step to share these mp3's with others, for private use. I play the mp3's using an ARCAM rBLink bluetooth module to connect my tablet (or cellphone) with the house stereo system, with floor-standing speakers. That allows for the ensemble to sound at a realistic volume. The "realism" is constrained by the somewhat artificial sounds of the instruments available in MuseScore's MIDI system. Obviously, better sound files could be devised. Ensure your browser supports playing of .mp3 files when links are clicked on. Solo practice does not beat the chance to play these pieces live with like-minded spirits.

It is recommended to buy an IMSLP site subscription to support their efforts.

P.F.Buchner Sonata 22 a 5 from "Plectrum Musicum" A tempo was chosen to make the fast note action to be not too strenuous. To set the beat and tonality the organ plays a 4 measure prelude. The part can be downloaded from the composer page on IMSLP. The pitch is A440.
mp3 minus fagotto part

P.F.Buchner Sonata 23 a 5 from "Plectrum Musicum" A broad tempo was chosen. To set the beat and tonality the organ plays a 4 measure prelude. The part can be downloaded from the composer page on IMSLP. The pitch is A440. The repeats were not taken. The final chord with the pause seems to function as a "reverance" to finish the piece, but perhaps it should be treated as a 2nd time ending.
mp3 minus fagotto part

P.F.Buchner Sonata 24 a 5 from "Plectrum Musicum" A broad tempo was chosen. To set the beat and tonality the organ plays a 4 measure prelude. The pitch is A440.
mp3 minus fagotto part

Circumdederunt me dolores mortis by Juan Guttierez de Padilla. From Archivo de la Musica Sacra de la Catedral XV Puebla (Mexico) supplied thanks to Dan Meyers. The score is down a 5th from the original. The play-along tracks are up a whole tone from the written pitch to suit the upper parts being played on d-soprano and g-alto shawms. This demands that the tenor and bass parts are transposed up to suit. The rather fake sounding instruments used are the built-in cornett and sackbut sounds in MuseScore. The Alto I and Tenor missing tracks have a whole measure of "pips" on the minim to set the speed. The other tracks can get the speed from the canonic entries. Some inner lines were edited to suit the range of the instruments.
PDF score and Parts
mp3 minus Cantus I
mp3 minus Cantus II
mp3 minus Alto I
mp3 minus Alto II
mp3 minus Tenore
mp3 minus Bassus

Here are some tracks without the whole tone "shawm" transposition. Lots of chances to practice finding low e-flat and c# on the descant shawm!
mp3 minus Cantus I
mp3 minus Cantus II
mp3 minus Alto II
mp3 minus Tenore
mp3 minus Bassus

A pair of pieces from the Amherst Duke of Lerma publication, numbers 80-81. They sound to be of the school of Orlando Lassus.
mp3 minus Cantus
mp3 minus Altus I
mp3 minus Altus II
mp3 minus Tenor
mp3 minus Bassus I
mp3 minus Bassus II

J.Pezel - Sonata Baccha a 6. One of the "alphabet sonatas" for strings, fagotto and b.c. with a lovely dense 6 part texture. From Opus musicum sonatarum praestantissimarum of 1686. Note, no repeats taken in the mp3
PDF Score and Parts
mp3 minus bassoon part (4 bar intro.)