Bassoon reed shapes.  

These can be made in a matter of hours from steel bar stock from Ace hardware with a grinding wheel and some filing, with some degree of precision.

Shapes - Plan View

Here are 2 shapes - one for a baroque bassoon and one for a bass dulcian. Having shaped quite a few reeds over the years by eye, one gets quite a good eye for a symmetrical and regular shape.  Indeed the main difference in removing material is just that steel is harder and so the tools are, of neccesity, more forceful.

This side view shows the clamping arrangements.  The clamps are not totally needed and especially on smaller shapes it is easy enough to just hold the reed in place while it is shaped. I could try making shapes to order, if provided with measurements.

Double Reeds for shawms etc,

Soprano shawm (Hanchet C - long shank)       $25
Soprano shawm (Short - suits Schermer D)     $25
Alto shawm (Hanchet F - long shank)          $25
Alto shawm (Cronin G - short shank)          $25