EMS Cittern kit build

This was built around 2002. The kits had been improved considerably from early versions, with accurately cut fretboards. There is also Internet advice from " Renovata Cythera" about how to improve the set up of the fretboard (action height and string spacing)


Here is the basic shape assembled.


I think this is glueing the barring under the soundboard. Barring is underneath so not visible


Instructions for glueing on the soundboard were grossly deficient, involving clamping with masking tape. Use of model aircraft grade rubber bands provide much improved secure clamping. There is quite a thin area round the case edge for the glue joint.



Test fit of the fretboard



Some strings fitted. Renovata Cythera had instructions for re-doing the string spacing at the nut and bridge.

RoseDetail A week in with toothache was the stimulus needed to sit down and pierce and carve the rose from a solid disk of walnut supplied with the kit.